Maelstrom — 1. any large or violent whirlpool 2. a violently confused or dangerously agitated state of mind, emotion, affairs, etc.
Registered users:
I'd like to extend a personal note of thanks to all of you who have supported me by sending in your registration fee and suggestions. I would not continue do update Maelstrom, nor plan future games were it not for your support. Maelstrom 1.4.0 is a free upgrade--as all Maelstrom upgrades will be--if you've already registered. Thanks friends!
If you've registered for a previous version of Maelstrom, please note that Maelstrom 1.4.0 now uses a new registration scheme which allows you to personalize the program with the proper license code. Simply get in touch with us, and we'll send you the code you need for your copy of Maelstrom 1.4.0.
Thank you, and enjoy!
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Answers to frequently asked questions:
-- Despite a number of requests, I have no plans to port Maelstrom over to the IBM PC. I lack the know-how, time, and inclination to undertake such a project, so it doesn't look like it is going to happen. Sure is nice for the shoe to be on the other foot for once, no? :)
-- Maelstrom *requires* System 6.07 or later (yes, it works just fine with System 7). It also requires a 256 color/gray scale monitor. There have been numerous requests for a black & white version; sorry to say that this won't be happening. It would require an entire rewrite of much of the game, all new artwork optimized for black & white, and in the end I don't think it would look all that great. Sorry friends...
-- Some people have asked that Maelstrom take advantage of screens larger than the standard Apple 14" monitor. Maelstrom already does: it centers the game window on such larger screens, and puts a border around the game play area. If Maelstrom expanded to fill the entire size of a large-screen monitor, game play would be altered radically because it would be much easier to play the game with a larger game play area. In short: though it could be done, it won't be done because I want game play to be consistent no matter what machine you play Maelstrom on.
-- You should usually keep the Maelstrom controls set to the "factory default." Some new Apple keyboards don't allow for more than two keys to be down simultaneously--which can inhibit good game play. However the Shift, Option, Control, and Command keys don't count as real keys, so if you have a few of Maelstrom's controls set to these keys (as in the "factory default" controls), you'll have much better control over your ship.
-- To access the "cheat mode", hit the 'L' key at the main title screen. A dialog box will appear that allows you to choose the starting wave, number of lives, and turbofunk option. You won't be able to get a high score if you use this "cheat mode", but it is a good way to practice.
-- Luck gives you a 1 in 3 chance of saving your ship when you should have died (you'll hear "Sweet!" if that happens) and a 1 in 3 chance of keeping your special weapons when you do die. Lady luck is a fickle mistress!
-- There are no "dud" presents; you may however get a present that you already have, or you may get more shields.
-- Certain video cards may cause the sound to break up during during fades. This is because all video card drivers turn off interrupts while they are changing color table entries, and some video cards do not handle color table changes in an optimal manner. Since interrupts are off while the video card is changing color table entries, the Sound Manager cannot service the sound chip quickly enough, and the sound breaks up.
-- Apple's control panel "Easy Access" can cause problems for Maelstrom if you have the shift key set as one of the ship controls (as it is initially). Easy Access is a program that makes it easier for a disabled person to use the Macintosh. You may not even realize it is installed, and if you don't use it you might as well throw it out.
Here's how to check. Under System 6, open up the System Folder and look for a file called "Easy Access". If it is there, remove it from your System Folder and reboot. Under System 7, open up the Control Panels folder in the System Folder and look for a file called "Easy Access". Again, if it is there, remove it from the Control Panels folder.
-- Virtual Memory. If you have virtual memory turned on, it may slow down Maelstrom's game play. This is unavoidable; the only solution is to turn virtual memory off before playing Maelstrom.
-- Out of memory. Apparently some INITs allocate a good deal of memory in the Application heap; in this case you'll be told that Maelstrom ran out of memory "...during a crucial operation". If this happens to you, choose Get Info on Maelstrom in the Finder, and up the memory allocation. Alternately you can startup without any INITs loaded and play Maelstrom. Do this by restarting your Macintosh, then holding the shift key down until you see the message "Extensions Disabled" under the "Welcome to Macintosh" graphic.
-- Disable programs like Thunder 7 before using Maelstrom; Thunder 7 records your keystrokes _while_you_are_playing_Maelstrom_, which can cause problems when you attempt to enter a high score.
-- If you use an alternate Maelstrom Sounds file (several people have created such files), make sure you allocate more memory to Maelstrom or the game may not be able to load. Also make sure that the alternate sounds file complies with the sound format required by Maelstrom 1.1 (see below for details).
Contact Information
-- If you have any question concerning Maelstrom, please write or call:
US Mail:
Ambrosia Software, Inc.
PO Box 23140
Rochester, NY 14692
America Online: AmbrosiaSW
Compuserve: 73424, 1226
AppleLink: Ambrosia.SW
Technical Notes:
-- Maelstrom was written in THINK C 5.04. The main portion of the game is in approximately 9,000 lines of assembler. The non-critical and supporting portions of the game are in approximately 18,000 lines of plain old C. Maelstrom uses custom blitting routines for optimal animation performance.
Change history:
Version 1.4.0 -- Released 12/93
-- Added the oft-requested personalization capability for registered users.
-- Maelstrom 1.4.0 now uses our new 4 channel sound system, Ambrosia Sound Tool (AST). This allows for high-speed sound playing with four simultaneous sounds playing at any one time, adding to the game's sonic appeal. We'll be using this sound system in all future games (nudge nudge, grin grin, wink wink, say no more...).
Musical Credits:
Thanks to the following artists for creating most excellent tunes that made writing and debugging Maelstrom more of a pleasure: The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Porno for Pyros, Frank Zappa, CCR, Jane's Addiction and all the rest I forgot to mention.